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Verion 1.0

Attex is a premium admin template built on Tailwind v3.3.3 and CodeIgniter v4 with utilizing cutting-edge web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, PHP, and jQuery. It offers a beautiful dashboard, pre-built components, widgets, and pages that are highly versatile and easily integrated into any webpage. With a fully responsive and highly customizable design, Jidox is a powerful and flexible choice for developing web applications like CRM, CMS, and dashboards. The documentation provides clear instructions for users of all skill levels to make the most of the template's features and functionalities.

It is extremely powerful and adaptable, making it ideal for web development. applications including CRM, CMS, admin panels, dashboards, etc. It is fully responsive and has a perfect look and feel on mobiles and tablets. Also, we tried to implement this by Keeping the concept of modularity in mind, this enables you to reduce the development time and cost.

This documentation is guidelines for all users who can even be a beginner or experienced web developer.

We really care for our buyers, so in case you are having any question or feedback, please feel free to get back to us via email or by filling out the contact form on our website.


When you extract the zip file you received after purchasing, you will find the following files and folders:

├── Documentation
└── Jidox
    ├── app
    |   ├── Config
    |   ├── Controller
    |   |   ├── Auth.php
    |   |   ├── BaseController.php
    |   |   └── Home.php
    |   ├── Database
    |   |   ├── Migrations
    |   |   ├── Seeds
    |   |   └── database.db
    |   ├── Filters
    |   |   ├── Auth.php
    |   |   └── NoAuth.php
    |   ├── Helpers
    |   ├── Language
    |   ├── Libraries
    |   ├── Models
    |   |   └── Users.php
    |   ├── ThirdParty
    |   └── Views
    |       ├── auth
    |       |   └── login.php
    |       ├── partials
    |       └── all the PHP files
    ├── public
    |   └── assets
    |       └── source
    |          ├── data
    |          ├── fonts
    |          ├── images
    |          ├── js
    |          └── scss
    ├── tests
    ├── writable
    ├── composer.json
    ├── gulpfile.js - containing gulp tasks
    └── package.json


We are incredibly grateful to the creators of the following plugins, without which the development of Attex would not have been possible. Each of these plugins comes with its own official documentation, and we highly recommend that you refer to them while building your project with Attex.